Vü Filters – Now Available from Capture Integration

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We’re happy to announce that we have Vü filters in stock at digitalback.com Vü filters are very high quality; Schott glass, and come with nice soft suede pouches. The Vü filter holder utilizes threaded step down adapters to screw on to the lens and filter holder. The holder then rotates, allowing for interesting effects with graduated ND filters.

You can find graduated ND filters in two varieties, 100mm x 100mm or 100mm x 150mm:

Vü Sion Q Neutral Density Filter

Circular Vü filters come in the following sizes: 62mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77mm, and 82mm.

You can see a full list of filter types below:

Vü Ariel Circular Polarizing Filter

Vü Sion Slim Circular Polarizing Filter

Vü Sion Fixed Neutral Density Filter – 1 Stop

Vü Sion Fixed Neutral Density Filter – 2 Stop

Vü Sion Fixed Neutral Density Filter – 3 Stop

Vü Sion Fixed Neutral Density Filter – 10 Stop

The following accessories are available as well:

Vü VFH100 Professional Filter Holder

Vü Filter Wrench for 82mm-46mm Filters

Vü Filter Holder Bag

Vü Step-Down Rings for VFH100

All products listed above are available from Capture Integration. Contact us to learn more about these products, as well as many more tools not listed here. The Capture Integration sales team can help you with any/all of your photography needs.

Call us today to schedule any demo at 877-217-9870

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