Try Before You Buy – Rental Program

 In ALPA, Fujifilm, Hasselblad, Leica, Phase One, Promotions, Rental Blog, Rental Promo

Our top priority is helping you invest in the right system

If it was as simple as reading spec sheets, or reviews on google, dealers like us would be a thing of the past. Aside from our knowledge and expertise, one of the most valuable tools we can offer is the “Try Before You Buy” rental program. We typically spend a lot of time with clients pre-purchase determining their specific needs, reviewing multiple suitable options, describing real world performance characteristics, as well as tangible and intangible impressions. While that is an essential experience, having navigated this process for hundreds of clients for over two decades, we know sometimes there’s nothing better than simply putting your hands on the camera. Not just for a few minutes standing besides a sales rep in their office, but on your own time and in the environment and workflow you shoot in.

From button placement, to the balance. The feel when its in your hands to the feature set, weight, accessories and more. Theres innumerable characteristics that contribute to each cameras unique user experience that go beyond what the system reads on paper. Here are just a few of the things we look for when matching our clients to a new system…

  • Are you comfortable with the menu system?
  • Do you like the button placement and size?
  • Does the weight and balance feel right for you?
  • Is it too automated or too manual?
  • Does the full system feel like it was quality crafted to the standards you’re looking for?
  • Do the lenses hold up to the the quality and resolving power of the sensor?
  • Is this a system that you want to grow into or will you grow out of it?
  • Is the system compatible with the practices and software in your current workflow?

How does our “Try before you Buy” work?

Chose any system and evaluate it on your schedule with a rental. If that system is not right for you, rent another system until you find the perfect fit for you and your personality. If you then buy within the following time period, the rental will be credited back towards your purchase. And if you are truly evaluating these systems, we will extend the grace period until you find what is right for you.

Program Details

  • Buy within 1 week of return rental: 100% of your rental will be credited
  • Buy within 2 weeks: 75%
  • Buy within 3 weeks: 50%
  • Buy within 4 weeks: 25%
  • The value of 2 lens rentals can be applied for every 1 lens bought.
  • Rentals can be up to 1 week

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