The Medium Format Experience Event at APG 2021

What is The Medium Format Experience
As any photographer will tell you, every camera has a different feel. Some have manual tactile dials, while others are full touch screen. Some cameras flash sync will max out at 1/125 of a second, while others can achieve 1/2000. Some bodies have IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization) and some rely purely on the stability of your hand. The weight, balance, set of features, accessories and much more contribute to each cameras unique user experience. With these endless nuances, many times photographers choose to make ill-informed purchases, buying online without hands on knowledge, and end up with a camera that doesn’t best fit their needs or preferences.

This is why Capture Integration is now introducing the Medium Format Experience. Being the only dealer in the country that offers every brand of medium fThis is why Capture Integration is now introducing the Medium Format Experience. We are the only dealer in the country that only specializes in Medium Format Photography and represents each brand of medium format camera. With this singular focus, we have created one of a kind experiences aimed to equip photographers with the insight, knowledge, and hands on experience in order to make the best decision when choosing the proper system for their shooting style or personality.
In partnership with the APG, Capture Integration’s CEO, Dave Gallagher, will be bringing medium formats such as Phase One, Hasselblad, and Fujifilm out for play at this event. Profoto lighting gear will be setup to shoot with, as well as a model will be present to aid you in getting some great shots! We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Details

Date :
November 10, 2021
Location :
The Atlanta Photography Group
Registration :
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