The Fujifilm GFX 100 II has the world’s best EVF

There are many attributes of the Fujifilm GFX 100 II that will grab the headlines – a medium format 102mp sensor with an 8 stop IBIS that captures 8 frames per second, for starters. But there are many other noteworthy enhancements to delve into as well.
Today we assessed the EVF from the new Fujifilm GFX 100 II vs the Fujifilm GFX 100S. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which sounds like a subjective appraisal, but in the matter of EVFs, a certain objectivity should be pursued. The EVF specifications from 102mp versions of the Fujifilm GFX models have ranged from :
5.76 million dots, 86% magnification GFX 100 (original)
3.69 million dots, 77% magnification – GFX 100S
9.44 million dots, 100% magnification – GFX 100 II
The days of optical viewfinders are GONE. They’re gone and they’re not coming back.
Personally speaking, yes, it is wonderful looking through a large bright medium format viewfinder. But EVF’s – while they are not optical, while they are electronic , have gotten better and better. They are now available in very high resolution, and while many focus on the resolution, the really big factor is also – how large is it? I want a viewfinder that is bright, high rez and large.

I really wanted to test the GFX 100 II against the GFX 100 original, but we didn’t have a GFX 100 original available this week. The original GFX 100 has a respectable 5.76 million dot EVF, but it still only sports a magnification of 86%, not much more than the GFX 100S. Above we have the comparative EVFs from the GFX 100S (top) and the GFX 100 II (bottom). These images are taken with an iPhone. The EVF from the GFX I00 II is richer and more saturated than the GFX 100S (though the iPhone capture somehow desaturates the GFX 100S a bit more than it appears to the eye). But as I looked at them side by side in Capture One, I thought – does the EVF from the GFX 100 II really seem that much bigger to the naked eye? And yes, it does.

By Steve Hendrix
Thanks for the read! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Steve Hendrix
404.543.8475 |

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