The Bargain Phase One IQ3 100 vs IQ4 150

 In Phase One, Phase One IQ3, Phase One Promo, Steve Hendrix

There is new pricing on the IQ3 100

While the IQ4 150 announcement has produced a lot of excitement around not just the 150mp BSI sensor, but many new features, lost amongst this has been the dramatic price reduction of the IQ3 100 and IQ3 100 Trichromatic models.

I never thought I would consider the price of an IQ3 100 a bargain, but compared to the price of the new IQ4 150, it might be. Phase One IQ3 100 models can now be ordered starting at $21,990 (IQ1 100 starts at $19,990) for Certified Pre-Owned models ($24,990 for new). This is a huge price reduction and now puts IQ3 100 models in reach of many more photographers. Some are now trying to decide if it is worth moving up to the IQ4 100 or IQ4 150 from their IQ160 or IQ180 (as examples), or if they should just take advantage of the lower pricing of the IQ3 100. To help with this decision, we have yet another specification chart, but this time it compares all current Phase One digital back models that can be ordered new (IQ4 150 BSI, IQ4 100 Trichromatic, IQ3 100 Trichromatic, IQ3 100 Standard).

But which features resonate?

With the IQ4 150, you gain the BSI 151mp sensor with superior performance with shifted lenses on technical cameras. You also have faster capture rate, dual card slots, future proof tethering options, in camera enhancements with Capture One Inside, and Live View enhancements with focus peaking. But the IQ4 150 is virtually twice the price of an IQ3 100. So coming from a CCD-basd IQ model, an upgrade to an IQ3 100 is still a very substantial upgrade in terms of features, like expanded ISO latitude, expanded dynamic range, excellent live view capability, and more. And now, substantially more affordable.

Any questions on the specifications below can be answered/discussed in detail by contacting Capture Integration:

  • Chris Snipes – chris@captureintegration,com
  • Dave Gallagher –
  • Steve Hendrix –

Available for purchase CPO (Certified Pre-Owned) 

All the below Phase One digital back models are officially discontinued as new products. However, they can all be ordered as Certified Pre-Owned products with the same 1 year warranty as new, at reduced pricing.

  • IQ140 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ150 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ160 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ180 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ250 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ260 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ280 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ350 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ360 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ380 (available Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ1 100 (available Certified Pre-Owned)

Available for purchase (New) 

  • IQ3 100 Standard (also available as Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ3 100 Trichromatic (also available as Certified Pre-Owned)
  • IQ4 100 Trichromatic
  • IQ4 150 BSI

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