Starting Again

 In Dave Gallagher, News

What business is essential?

What measured and controlled opening makes sense?

Are we making the right decision?

Everyone around the globe is asking themselves questions that can not be adequately answered today. We are at an unequaled time in human history as the “information age” seems to have only made it more difficult as to where to put your trust. Which politicians, scientists, journalists, or media outlets hold more credibility? It is easy to see the extremists on both sides. The one sure thing is that we do not have all the answers. The best we can do is to educate ourselves with as much data and structured information as possible. And importantly, respect that each person has the right to have their collective response without one view being valid and not the other.

With that said, when is the right time to get back to business? Capture Integration has been closed for six weeks; our team members were home and not working. My personal direction was to share thoughts, images, and insights into our team member’s lives. I wanted to share with you how incredible our team members are rather than throw promotions, manufacturer sales, or software discounts. I chose to put business aside, rejecting the adage of “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Our company’s core values have always stood for “family first” and “lead by actions.” I hope that you have experienced these principles in our daily business relationship.

Yet, at some point, business needs to resume. We need to engage and work towards keeping our professional relationships strong. When is the right timing? The answer to this question is not linear. Our country has not shared in this crisis equally. What is right for some regions is not right for others, regardless of political controls. And this makes sense, as population densities drastically differ from one state to the next. Furthermore, as the closing of the business is my personal decision, so is our reopening. With that said,  I asked all employees to resume their role this week and begin to implement safety measures that each individual feels comfortable with.  While we are not yet 100% functioning today, we are quickly reaching that level while enacting the following steps for our team’s and client’s personal health:

  • staggered work week with no more than 3 people in the office at one time
  • implemented CDC guidelines for disinfecting our workplace
  • installed a wipe, mask, and disinfectant station at entry point
  • established an equipment cleaning process for all gear that enters and exits CI

We completely acknowledge that not all of our clients and partners are on the same business schedule as CI.  We also understand that not all will agree with our controlled opening.  We will do our best to continue to respect each individual’s needs and work with you to the best of our ability.   Please have patience that not each person is available each day in the office and that we, as a team, will make sure we take on the extra responsibility to help satisfy your requests.  Thank you for reading this post and thank you for your continued support. We truly look forward to hearing, seeing, or just speaking with you again soon.


Dave Gallagher

CEO / Capture Integration

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