Photokina – Day 2.2

 In News

For my second half of today here are a few more things I cam across that I thought would be of interest to you all out there.
Arca Swiss has quite a few bits of new gear out. First up is a view camera for mirrorless cameras. We’ve seen these from most every manufacturer at this point, and theirs is not terribly different, offering abilities for most mirrorless cameras as well as a DSLR camera. Though not available yet, they expect them to ship in about four weeks with final US pricing to come soon.

They also offer this camera for MFDBs with a bevy of new electronic toys. First is an electronic Central Shutter capable of up to 1/250th of a second. This can be coupled with their Micro Power Unit and Wireless Remote Control Unit this allows you to control the unit simply. There is also a Focal Plane shutter unit available for the camera that works with this combination. You can use the Cloud DM Wireless to measure distance, then use the Remote to exactly calibrate distance on the view camera. These items will not be available until December.

Our friends over at Tether Tools have unveiled a new bracket to complement their line that supports iPads, other tablet devices like the Surface Pro andWacom Tablets. This could be a great benefit for our tech camera users who have the Surface and use it to tether in the field. They also will have tether cables for Sony cameras soon.

Ilford paper is back in production after the Swiss company that owned them went under. They were purchased this time by a German company and all materials and machinery have been moved, so stocks will be the same. They even introduced a new metallic surface paper that looked great. I have personally found Ilford to be a great balance of high quality paper at a good cost.

While there were no new technical camera lenses, Schneider does have a set of extension tubes for the 120mm, 150mm and 180mm lens. They work only with the new helical and are available in 8, 15, 20, 30, 50 and 70mm lengths.

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