Photographers Spotlight : Benjamin Benschneider

 In News, Photographer Spotlight
Studhorse Outlook. Methow Valley, Washington. Tom Kundig/Olson Kundig Architects.

Tell me about you!

I am a photographer based in beautiful Bellingham, Washington with my wife Betty Udesen, and our cat Socks. When I’m not on assignment I’m usually cycling or hiking with friends.

Hong Kong Villa. Jim Olson/Olson Kundig Architects

How did you discover your love for photography, and what specifically attracted you to the architectural genre?

My love for photography started at an early age. My interest in architectural photography came while working as a staff photographer for The Seattle Times. The Sunday magazine would profile a residential home every week, and I would always volunteer to photograph it.

REI Headquarters Building. Bellevue, Washington. Image license: NBBJ, Howard S Wright, REI, Knoll, System source and Concentric. © Copyright 2020 Benjamin Benschneider All rights Reserved. Image use license may be arranged by contacting Benjamin Benschneider Photography:

Who are some of your favorite photographers (past or present)?

There are so many now who are superb! In my mind, Julius Shulman and Ezra Stoller led the way. Currently, I have to thank Fred Housel, who was so generous with his knowledge, and I’m a fan of Tim Griffith. I’m actually influenced more by photographers who are not specifically architectural photographers, like Gregory Crewdson or Fan Ho.

Expedia Headquarters. ZGF Architects.

Can you describe a photographically challenging situation that you were confronted with that you were able to resolve on the fly?

Well, that seems to happen on every shoot and generally makes it fun. It’s usually how to direct or take away light, or choreograph the shoot to be in each location in synch with the best available light.

Kona House. Tom Kundig/Olson Kundig Architects.

What camera system do you use primarily and why?

With the majority of our shoots requiring people in the spaces, I’m primarily using 35mm for its speed. I also use a Cambo WRS tech camera with the Phase One IQ4 150 digital back. This back has come a long way from the earlier backs I’ve owned with its ease of use and acceptable higher ISO capability. The image quality is just so much fun!

Amazon Headquarters. Seattle, Washington. NBBJ

If you had one single piece of advice for a photographer considering shooting architecture today, what would it be?

Experiment with all types of photography.

Train passing by Waypoint Park. Bellingham, Washington.

When you’re done shooting for a living, what you will be shooting for fun?

As long as my body allows, I will always be photographing. I’m open to the subject matter as interests change.

Seattle Children’s Hospital. ZGF Architects.

Why did you select Capture Integration as your equipment partner?

Capture Integration’s support has been invaluable. They truly know the professional photographic business and are incredibly generous with their time in answering all my questions!

St. Michael Medical Center. NBBJ

What is the best thing about your job?

It does not feel like a job!

Seattle Central Library. Rem Kookhaas, Joshua Prince-Ramus

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