Photographer Spotlight Jeannine Henebry

Meet Jeannine Henebry
This month we are pleased to spotlight the amazingly talented Jeannine Henebry. Jeannine grew up in a tight-knit golf-loving family in Chicago, which prepared her for a photographic journey through the landscapes of golf. She went to California to study at the Pasadena Art Center and decided to make California her home. With her brother John, they developed a professional photography career AKA “The Henebrys” specializing in photographing golf course landscapes. Their library consists of over 400 golf courses from around the world. We hope you enjoy our interview with Jeannine as much as we did!

Here is the million dollar question…why photography? What’s launched your passion?
I have been passionate about photography from a very young age. A pivotal point was meeting Minor White while I was in high school. I completely resonated with Minor’s famous quote “To See, To React, To Create” and it is always in the back of my mind when I’m out in the field taking photographs. I studied fine art photography with Barbara Jo Revelle at ASU and Steve Fitch at University of Colorado. After graduating from CU, I fully immersed myself into the 2-½ year BA photography program at the Pasadena Art Center College of Design. In these years of intense and concentrated work at Art Center, I further developed my eye and solidified my love of photography.

When viewing your website, I’ve noticed stunning images of beautiful golf courses. What was the inspiration behind that body of work?
I have dedicated my professional career over the past 30 years photographing Golf Course Landscapes. My father, Major General John Henebry, was a golf fanatic and a huge inspiration. With his infections adventurous spirit I spent tons of time with him traveling and playing golf. I have a love for golf and married that passion with my photography career.

What do you enjoy photographing outside of your work related projects?
Having just upgraded from the PhaseOne 280 to the PhaseOne IQ3 100, I am excited to push the limits with long exposure and high dynamic range files. Recently, I have been exploring astro landscapes chasing the Milky Way with the new PhaseOne system mounted on a Skywatcher Star Adventurer tracker and adding low-level lighting to the foreground landscape. It is super fun and challenging concentrating in the middle of the night in total darkness. I am amazed how you can stay up all night when your adrenalin kicks in. The files are unreal!

What was the deciding factor that made you switch from shooting large format film to a digital system?
In the genre of Ansel Adams, I based my golf course landscape career on capturing images with a view camera on 4” x 5″ velvia film. The workflow of shooting and scanning film no longer made sense. The dynamic range and incredible detail in the files from the PhaseOne 280 back was the selling point for me to switch systems.

Out of the wide variety of lenses on the market, what’s your favorite one to use?
The 40mm Rodenstock tilt/shift lens mounted on the Cambo WRS-5000 is incredible for landscapes. I love the ease in shooting with PhaseOne 40-80 zoom lens during the golden hour “crunch time” on the golf course. It is also the perfect lens for shooting from a helicopter.

Lighting plays a major role in telling the story of your image. What are your favorite lighting techniques to tell your story?
I love the quality of golden light at sunrise or sunset seeing long shadows cutting across the landscapes mounding, capturing it as it all comes alive.

In which ways do you see your work evolving in the next 5 – 10 years from now?
I am exploring new possibilities outside of golf. I would like to print my astro landscape work B I G! Time will tell on what expansive direction I’ll take.

If you could have given yourself any advice when you first launched your career in photography, what would it be?
Shoot what you love that will translate!

Why Capture Integration? What made you select us as a partner?
When I met David Gallagher and his team in Carmel on the Ken Doo / Don Libby Anti Workshop last year I knew I have found a home. The Capture Integration team is super helpful, patient, and always available. Last year shooting at sunrise in Yosemite, Cam Williams in the technical department was just a cell phone call away to help me navigate a problem I was encountering.

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