Photographer Spotlight Edward Cohen

Meet Edward Cohen
Edward, CEO of Boca Terry, resides in Delray Beach, FL with his beautiful wife of 42 years. Together they have two children and four grand children. Edward was brought up in the garment industry (family owned) but decided to leave the business in the mid 1990’s. Shortly after leaving, Edward partnered with is brother to open Boca Terry. Their company manufactures and distributes high end bathrobes, towels and slippers to hotels and spas worldwide. Enjoy reading our interview with Edward as he shares how photography became his passion!

Edward, I’ve seen your lovely Boca Terry Luxury Bathrobe line in several upscale hotels and resorts. As the CEO of such a demanding business how did you develop a passion for photography?
When I was growing up, my father always took me into the darkroom to develop film. I’ve always had a passion for photography but never really picked it up again until 5 years ago when my dad passed. He left me with his Canon camera and after taking one look at it, I decided to make photography my hobby. Ever since that day, I haven’t been able to stop! I recently realized that an image stops time and is the perfect way to show loved ones what you saw and future generations who you were. My only draw back is that I wished I felt this way 30 years ago.

3. Given the various genres of photography… (Architect, landscape, portraits etc.) what is your favorite subject to capture?
I don’t have one particular genre that I’d say is my favorite. I think it depends on my location at the given time that motivates me to take an image. We travel a lot for business and pleasure, so whether shooting a sunrise along the Florida coast, taking a head shot of a women sitting along the street in Havana, or doing street photography in Delhi, I love it all. I just love taking pictures.

4. I understand you shot with Canon and Sony cameras prior to buying your first Phase One system, what was the deciding factor that enticed you to switch to medium format?
When I received the Canon from my Dad, I used it for a while and then upgraded to the 1DX. At the time I thought it was the best DSLR out there. Then I began moving towards the mirrorless Sony A series for the convenience and developed sensors. Then my idea of photography went from a hobby to what I thought was fine art photography. I was beginning to believe that my work could be placed on a wall as art. I was really impressd with what Peter Lik was creating with his images and later discovered that he was using a medium format camera from Phase One. Nearly two years ago, I decided to contact Phase One and Chris Snipes, a salesman at Capture Integration, called me to schedule a demo. I was looking for a camera that could capture the image I saw with my eyes and then have the resolution to produce it in a print. The Phase One sensors gives you an image that makes you think you are looking at the picture live.

5. Now that you’ve had a chance to work with the Phase One IQ100 XF Body… what’s your experience been like shooting with it?
Love this camera. First of all, never have I seen image quality like this from any camera I have owned! It’s really an experience to download the file into Capture One and review. The dynamic range that this camera captures is unsurpassed and the fine detail when you blow it up is unreal. That being said, the features on the XF are unbelievable. The focus stacking tool, time lapse feature, seismograph, ProFoto Air Sync and hyperfocal settings. Oh, and with regards to Hyperfocal, just send your lenses to Brad Kaye at Capture Integration and he will set up your lenses for the hyperfocal distance that syncs with the tool on the XF. The guy is a genius!

6. I know you like to seek out exotic locations to travel to create epic images, what trips do you have planned in the future?
We’re leaving for Kenya and Tanzania for the migration, middle of August. Then traveling down to South Africa for a Rhino notching. The first week of October I’m going to the Isle of Skye for a workshop with Peter Cox and Steve Gosling. I’m really looking forward to using the XFIQ100 with the 240mm and 2X converter. I want to get up close and the sample images I have taken so far with this lens have been amazing.

7. Lighting plays a pivotal role in telling the story of the image. What are your favorite lighting techniques?
Since most of my images are created in the outdoors, I never leave home without my ND Filters. Specifically, during the morning and evening golden hours since there’s such a high contrast, the filters make it easy to get the perfect exposure. When Chris Snipes and I were in Iceland this past September, the 6 and 10 stop ND filters came in very handy to get long exposures during the day. Other items I love to take are my B1’s from Profoto if I’m shooting people during the day. The mixture of overtaking the daytime sun with the flash, gives you great shots.

8. Edward, based on just a sample of your images, there’s definitely talent behind your work! Do you potentially see your hobby developing into something more in the next 5 – 10 years?
Well thank you for the compliment. Originally it never dawned on me that my images would be anything more than for my personal pleasure. Then people started to see my work hanging in my house and wanted to know if I would sell it. My wife mentioned to me about opening a gallery. I think that would be very cool.

9. Why Capture Integration? What made you select us as a partner?
After buying my first system from Capture Integration and meeting all of the support staff, there was no turning back. No matter what the issues are or if you simply want to try out new equipment, Capture Integration has the organization to support you. They have great people working for them (i.e. Chris, Brad and Cam) and are always willing to go out of their way to help you.
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