Ordinarily, Capture Integration’s Certified Pre-Owned shelf is full of digital backs for sale. Today, it looks emptier than usual, and we want to change that! Whether you want to sell your [...]
The fast standard lens from the Classic Line Leica reinterpretation of the Summilux-M 50 f/1.4 marks the rebirth of a legend. It combines classic, vintage design with state-of-the-art technology. [...]
Wildlife photography is an exhilarating challenge, especially when the subject is as majestic as the bison of Yellowstone National Park. With its rugged terrain, vast open spaces, and [...]
Recently, DJI announced that they would remove the geofencing system on their drones, primarily due to privacy and data collection concerns. This move has generated excitement among many [...]
A Visit To See My Brother, Mike Hendrix A lot has happened in the Hendrix family in recent months, and one of these things has been a condition my daughter Catherine has developed that requires [...]