New Schneider Kreuznach 80mm LS f/2.8 Mark II Lens

 In News, Phase One, Phase One Lenses, Phase One XF

Now the 3rd Thanksgiving announcement in 3 years, it seems like Phase One likes to release products on American holidays. This morning Phase One has released information for their long awaited Mobile App and the first Mark II lens in the Schneider Kreuznach Leaf Shutter line up of lenses for the Phase One XF Medium Format Camera.

80mm f/2.8 Mark II Blue Ring

The 80mm f/2.8 Mark II Blue Ring lens is a new optical design for the beloved focal length. The new lens design utilizes an aspherical element to reduce light and sharpness falloff, while the overall design improves contrast and clarity.

The 80mm f/2.8 Mark II will remain alongside the current lighter & smaller 80mm f/2.8 Blue RingLens within our lens portfolio.

Aperture range f/2.8 – f/32 
Angle of view 47° 
Focusing system Autofocus / Manual 
Filter 72mm 
Optical construction 8 elements, 6 groups 
Lens hood Bayonet metal hood 
Flash sync Up to 1/1600 
XF FPS shutter speed max. 1/4000s 
Dimension 85.4mm x 87.2mm  3.4” x 3.4” 
Weight 765g / 1.69lb 
Equivalent to 35mm 50mm 

The new 80mm LS Blue Ring MkII will be available immediately.

Pricing is $5,990.

Please Call Your CI Sales Person To Place The Order:

Steve Hendrix – 404.543.8475

Chris Snipes – 813.335.2473

Dave Gallagher – 770.846.5223

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