New Release! Phase One 70mm XT Tilt HR Digaron-W f/5.6 Lens

HR Digaron-W 70mm f/5.6 Tilt
Rodenstock Normal XT lens
Intimate Perspective. Maximum Depth of Field.
For landscape and cityscape photographers, the Phase One XT 5° Tilt panel allows for greater depth of field control, utilizing the large image circle of the Rodenstock HR Digaron-W 70mm Lens. The additional depth of field control, coupled with the 12mm shift capabilities of the XT Camera, provides consistent and diffraction-free focus from foreground to infinity, all in one shot.


The venerable Rodenstock 70HR-W lens gets 5º tilt added to the Phase One XT version of this lens. This is tangibly important, since there are now four lenses with tilt in the lineup – the 32HR-W, 40HR-W, 50HR-W, and now the 70HR-W. But it is also symbolically important, as Phase One continues to demonstrate that their intention is to continue to invest in and further develop the Phase One XT system. The Phase One XT is a modern technical field camera for dedicated digital use, fully electronically integrated, with all operations except for adjusting the focus ring happening from the LCD of the Phase One IQ4 digital back behind the camera.
The addition of the 70 HR-W tilt lens to the Phase One XT lineup is further evidence that Phase One will continue to produce unique, beneficial tweaks to the product line for the world’s most modern technical camera system. – 404.543.8475


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