New Leaf Credo 50 Firmware 1.01

Leaf has announced a new firmware release version 1.01 for Leaf Credo 50 digital camera backs. This new firmware update delivers a few fixes and improved functionalities. Stay posted to the Capture Integration blog for technical feedback. Please read all notes below BEFORE installation, and let us know if you need any assistance with your updates.
Firmware updates normally improve the performance of your hardware, add features and functionality and in some cases also fix bugs and other issues. Please read the Release Notes and/or Readme files that are relevant to the firmware that you are downloading as they include instructions as well as explanations about new features and any remaining known issues.
Updates from Version 1.00:
New features:
- Extended ISO range selection: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 & 6400

- Black & White image preview, access via the Dynamic menu button

- Stopwatch and Timer on LCD for long exposures; It indicates the exposure time and the dark reference time

Improved functionality:
- The Spirit Level can now be accessed when there are no storage card present or when there are no images on the card.

- New 1% Brightness setting which makes the screen dark but still viewable
- Support for 256GB CF cards
- Recovery of data from capture buffer when reconnecting after lost connection
- Default battery charging is set to OFF
- Power down delay when used on Mamiya 645DF+ is set to 3 seconds
Known issues:
Leaf is working on fixing them in upcoming firmware releases – please check for most recent firmware updates at:
• Localization of languages other than English is not complete
General installation instructions:
To install new firmware versions your Leaf Credo digital back, you can use one of the following options:
- Firmware Updater utility, available from The Firmware Updater utility allows you to check the current firmware on your device and to find the current and latest versions online, you can also use it to install the firmware offline. It works with Leaf Credo backs, Mamiya 645DF/ DF+ cameras and also Phase One iXR and 645DF/ DF+ cameras. The Updater is available in both Mac and Windows version and the download includes instructions for using it.
- Copy the firmware file, typically called FWx.xx.x.fwr onto a CF card, insert the CF card into the back, go to Settings>Firmware>Update firmware and follow the instructions on the screen
NOTE: The back must be removed from the camera body and a fully charged battery must be used during the update. Once the update is complete you can check the About screen to confirm that the new firmware has been installed correctly.
You can download a copy of the firmware release notes here
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