How To Enable Bulb/Timer Mode on Hasselblad 907x CFV

 In Hasselblad, Hasselblad CFV II, Hasselblad Tip, News, Steve Hendrix, X2D
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Enable Bulb/Timer Mode on Hasselblad 907x CFV

The ability to enable Bulb/Timer modes on the Hasselblad X1D and X2D cameras is pretty straightforward. Enabling Bulb/Timer mode on the 907x/CFV 50c II is a bit less so, because of the wide variety of possible configurations.

907x Body with Hasselblad XCD Lenses

Enabling Bulb/Timer is different for each configuration. Let’s start with the easiest – the 907x/CFV 50c II kit with XCD lens attached. In this configuration, the lens is automatically and electronically recognized by the 907x/CFV. And thus, there is a visible location for enabling Bulb/Timer Mode. To access the setting, press the lower left hamburger menu button on the CFV 50c II, then press the Camera icon at the bottom of the screen. Scroll down to Configuration. Scroll to B/T Mode and press the checkbox. Now, Bulb and Timer show up in the shutter speed menu.

View Camera/Tech Camera/Hasselblad V Series

In these configurations, there is no B/T option in the CFV 50c II menu unless you are using Electronic Shutter. If you are not using Electronic Shutter – for example, you’re using copal shutter on a view camera lens, or you’re using the lens leaf shutter on a 500 series camera – then the shutter in the lens is going to provide the B/T setting.

Electronic Shutter

In this configuration, B/T mode is automatically enabled by default and also shows up in the shutter speed menu. You can optionally be in ES configuration on any camera, 907x, View camera, Hasselblad 500, etc. But if you are using non-native lenses via an adapter to the 907x (such as XPan lenses, Hasselblad H lenses, or Hasselblad V lenses), then you have to use an Electronic Shutter.

By Steve Hendrix

Thanks for the read! If you have any questions feel free to reach out!

Steve Hendrix – 404.543.8475

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