Hasselblad X2D Quick Tip – Displaying Preview Images

 In Hasselblad, Hasselblad Tip, News, Steve Hendrix, X2D

At one point, I grabbed one of our Hasselblad X2D demo cameras and was capturing some images and then noticed I was not seeing a review of my capture, either in the EVF or on the rear screen. I checked the Display settings and couldn’t understand why – as it was set to 2 seconds Preview Time. I took the shot again, no image. I then realized that in the Preview section at the bottom of the Display settings there are additional options beside just the preview time. I had assumed these were for turning either the EVF or the rear screen on or off, but it is for controlling whether those screens present the captured image for review or not.

Which makes sense, since those menu items are under the Preview banner. Kind of ironically, image review is called “Preview”, but I suppose nearly all digital cameras use that nomenclature, the thinking being that you are previewing the result in order to determine that capture is indeed the one? I don’t know. Anyway!

No Preview!
Yes Preview!

I was reminded of this today when one of my clients called me and asked how to capture with no preview image showing up. They just wanted to keep going and had tried everything, even turning the preview time down to 0.5 seconds, but they still wanted no image at all. Mission accomplished.

steve hendrix medium format expert

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions feel free to reach out!

steve@captureintegration.com – 404.543.8475

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