Hasselblad HC and HCD Lens Adapters for X2D and 907x – How to Choose

 In Hasselblad, Hasselblad CFV II, Hasselblad H6D, Hasselblad H6X, Hasselblad Tip, News, Steve Hendrix, X2D

There has been confusion about which Hasselblad H Lens Adapter to choose for use on your X2D (or X1D) and 907x cameras. Here is some clarity:

Notice anything different? That’s right, the product on the right has a set of optical elements inside (5 elements in 3 groups, to be exact). This is the XH Converter 0.8. The XH Adapter on the left is essentially an electronic extension tube that allows H-mount lenses to adapt to the X1D/X2D and 907x bodies. Since the X1D/X2D/907x bodies are thinner than the H camera bodies, this tube fills in the gap and allows the H lenses to obtain infinity focus.

The XH Converter 0.8 does the same thing but adds the optical elements that reduce the focal length by a factor of 0.8x while also increasing the maximum aperture by 2/3 of a stop.

If you are attempting to mount H lenses (HC and HCD) to an X1D/X2D/907x via either of these adapters, they will all allow you to electronically control the aperture and capture an image. If the lenses are orange dot or have at least firmware version 19.1.0 (only lenses with the firmware of at least 18.0.0 can update to 19.1.0), they will also autofocus – except for the Hasselblad 120mm HC Lens (version I and II).

Hasselblad also indicates that optical performance is improved in terms of “contrast and sharpness across the frame”. Could the removal of the outer edge coverage of the primary optics account for this? Hard to say, and we haven’t scientifically tested this as yet. But I can say that the results look pretty good!

Hasselblad HC 120 II Orange Dot with XH Converter 0.8 on X2D. Natively f/4 max, that becomes f/3.2 with the XH Converter 0.8.
I’ve heard about Hasselblad and the moon. Is this the lunar surface?
Extreme closeup of Lunar surface.

In this case, the Hasselblad 120mm HC II Macro Orange Dot is totally legit on the X2D, as it has some advantages and disadvantages vs the Hasselblad 120mm XCD Macro Lens. The 120mm XCD is a 1:2 macro lens, and does not provide internal focusing, so the subject coverage can change as you focus. But it is an auto focus lens, which is a benefit in many ways, not to mention focus stacking. Still, the 120mm HC II Macro Orange Dot gets to 1:1 and is super sharp!

By Steve Hendrix

Thanks for the read! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Steve Hendrix

404.543.8475 | steve@captureintegration.com

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