Hasselblad H5X: Compatibility and Usage
Hasselblad’s H5X announcement came with a new advancement over the previous H4X: it can be used as a backup body for H5D users. The H4X could not be used with the H4D; only third party digital backs. With this new compatibility being offered, we decided to take a closer look at the H5X to see a full list of compatibility and features.
Digital Back Compatibility
This is the big one: The H5X is compatible with the H5D backs, as well as all Ixpress, CF, CFH, and all digital backs compatible with the H1 and H2 cameras. Specifically, this means all Phase One P and P+ backs are compatible, as well as all IQ1 and IQ2 backs. The Leaf Credo 40, 50, 60, and 80 backs are all compatible, but only original Leaf Aptus backs will work with the H5X. The Leaf Aptus S and Leaf Aptus-II backs will not work with the H5X due to “parts of the communication from the digital back not being within specification, causing a fault condition and a lock-up of the camera body and digital back” according to Hasselblad. We do not expect this to be resolved by Leaf, as this issue existed with the H4X as well. As an aside, all film backs (such as the HM 16-32 and HMi-100) will work with the H5X.
True Focus
True Focus is one of the defining features of the H4 and H5 series of cameras. Since the camera can only focus on the center of the image, photographs must focus, then recompose the scene. With wider apertures, this can cause shift in focus after recomposing that renders your scene slightly blurry. True Focus takes that issue out of the equation by using a yaw-rate sensor to measure angular velocity. Feeding this data, along with precise distance data from the HC/HCD lens, through the Absolute Position Lock processor, the H5X will adjust the auto focus to give precise focusing on your actual desired depth of focus.
The H5X continues to offer this capability, and not only with Hasselblad’s own backs; True Focus works with all 3rd party digital backs compatible with the camera.
Previous versions of the H series cameras, notably the H2, were not compatible with all HC and HCD lenses. The H2 was not compatible with the HCD 28mm lens, as that lens was designed for the later H3D camera. The H5X, however, is compatible with all HC and HCD lenses. However, when it comes to the HCD lenses, Hasselblad does say that you may experience lower edge quality and vignetting on larger sensors over 36 mm x 48 mm. This includes the following digital backs: IQ260, IQ260 Achromatic, IQ160, P65+, IQ280, IQ180, Credo 80, Aptus II-12, H4D-60, H5D-60, Achromatic+, P45+ P45, H5D-200 MS, H5D-50 MS, H5D-50, CFV-39, CF-39 MS, CF-39, CF-22 MS, CF-22, Ixpress 132C, Ixpress 528C, P25+, P25, and H25 backs.
The H5X is also compatible with the HTS 1.5x tilt shift adapter, and the HE Extension tubes.
Like the H4X, the H5X offers the ability to use multiple viewfinders. The HV-90x, HV-90X II, HVD-90x, and HVM viewfinders are all compatible with the H5X. The HVD-90x is to be used with 36 x 48 mm sensor cameras or smaller. The HV-90x is for cameras using film, while the HV-90x-II is for larger sensors like the H5D-60 (40.2 x 53.7 mm.) The HVM can be used for all H cameras.
Hasselblad has included the ability to use a number of other accessories with the H5X, including the DC power grip, earlier batteries, the SCA 3902 flash, and the GIL GPS receiver (with a H5D digital back.)
Item | Compatibility |
Film magazines HM-16-32 | Yes (also with HCD lenses) |
Instant film back HMi-100 | Yes (also with HCD lenses) |
H5D sensor unit | Yes |
HC lenses | Yes |
HCD lenses | Yes. Lower edge image quality and vignetting can occur for sensors larger than 36×48 mm. |
Converter H1,7x | Yes |
Extension tubes HE | Yes |
HTS 1.5x | Yes |
GIL (GPS receiver) | Yes, when used with an H5D Back |
HV 90x Viewfinder | Yes |
HV 90x-II Viewfinder | Yes |
HVD 90x Viewfinder | Yes |
HVM Viewfinder | Yes |
Flash system SCA 3902 | Yes |
Battery Grip rechargeable Li-ion (1850 & 2900 mAh) | Yes |
DC Power Grip | Yes |
Focusing screens | Yes |
3rd party digital backs | Yes. The same compatibility as H1 and H2 cameras |
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