Meet Greg
“Sales Dragon Slayer”
“Greg comes to Capture Integration with over 35 years of experience in the professional photographic industry. After 25 years with the various iterations of Sinar Bron Imaging, Bron Imaging Group, Hasselblad Bron & Hasselblad, Greg became the Director of Sales for the Phase One Bespoke division in North America before joining the sales team at Capture Integration.
Born, Raised and Currently Living :
Beautiful & Colorful Denver, Colorado!
Interests :
Spending time with family
Golfing with my son
Shooting clay pigeons with my grandson
Cooking & drinking wine with my wife
Shooting scenics and landscapes
Flying drones as an FAA certified remote pilot
Food and Cooking :
As an amateur chef, Greg enjoys cooking with his various kitchen gadgets. He has 38 knifes, 27 pots and pans, 12 cast iron pans, 8 crock pots, air fryer, pressure cooker, paella pan & Whirley Pop popcorn maker
Cameras :
After being his high school’s yearbook photographer for 4 years with his Minolta SRT 101, Greg has enjoyed shooting for many years with his various Leica, Nikon, Hasselblad, Fuji, Sinar & Phase One cameras. His most unique camera is his Hasselblad HV DSLR camera with 24-70mm lens