Fujifilm GFX Tip : The Quick SD Card Format Hack

The Shortcut to Format Your SD Card

If you’re like me… You despise hidden, seemingly never-ending, ill-named menus on modern cameras!
Let me preface this by saying they all have room for improvement! Sadly, the new Fujifilm GFX cameras are no different. When you turn the camera on, the live view immediately pops up, ready to rock.

However, I was taught early on to always format my memory card in the camera every time I start a new shoot. The first time I picked up the 50s II, I wrongly assumed I’d find one of the most common menu items at the forefront of the menu system. Not so much. But my attitude is like many photographers who have grown up around cameras their entire life… I don’t need no stinking users manual. Maybe it’s a guy thing, but I figured I’d just poke around for a hot minute and find the “Format Card” option myself. Spoiler alert: I FAILED.
For those who are looking to skip straight to the solution, start scrolling down until you hit the big blue text that states HACK INCOMING!

Notice in this first “Image Quality” menu, there are three full screens worth of items to scroll through. Clearly this menu is dedicated to image quality settings, not formatting.

Again, three screens to scroll through the litany of focus related options in the “AF/MF” menu. Definitely no format option here.

The “Shooting Setting” menu contains two screens to control everything from Self Timer to Shutter Type and even Wireless options. I was sure I’d find the “Format” function in one of these screens… DENIED. Frustration began to creep in.

I quickly brushed past the “Flash Setting” menu as I was fairly certain I wouldn’t find the elusive “Format” function here.

Aha, a menu named “Set Up”, that’s got to be it! However, as I read the seven selectable items, I still didn’t see anything I would relate to formatting my SD card… Huh? Well, only one menu left…

I hadn’t seen a menu called “MY” on any camera before, but assumed it was some sort of customizable menu. Turns out I was correct, but still no way to format my card here either. By this time, I was getting more than a little P.O.’d. For the life of me, I couldn’t find anything related to “Format, SD Card, Storage”, nothing… So I did the only sensible thing, I went sledding with my lovely wife, Carole. (we live in Northern Michigan).

After returning from sledding, I took a new approach, the internet! I hear you can find anything there. When I did a Google search for “GFX 50s II Format SD Card”, this popped up.

I broke down and took that sage, age-old advice: R.T.F.M., and after poking around Fuji’s online manual, I found what I was looking for. However, I kept jumping in and out of unwanted menus when turning the front and rear dials along with the sensitive little joystick. I kind of got the hang of it, but still, fumble around every time I hit that damn Menu button. Finally, I was able to get down to the “Set Up” menu (wrench icon).

I had been here before, but none of the items screamed, “Look in here if you want to format your memory card!” This is where my logic does not agree with the engineer’s logic… Hence my need for Fuji’s User Manual.

Why is “Format” inside “User Setting” under the “Set Up” menu, which is the fifth menu item down? My mind does not work that way.

Once you make your way to the “Format” menu, you still have to click through two more screens, then select “OK”, then hit “OK” to format the first card. After formatting is complete, the camera will jump back to the live view screen.

If you want to format a second card in Slot 2, you have to hit the MENU button again and repeat the last 5 steps again.
Finally, you’re ready to shoot!

…Or, you could simply hold the Trash Can icon (to the left of the viewfinder) for 3 seconds, then, while still holding it in, depress the rear dial (to the right of the viewfinder). You’ll find yourself magically transported directly to the “Format” screen to choose which slot (SD card) you wish to format.

OK, so maybe you aren’t actually being magically transported at all, but let me tell you, after jumping through all those menus, it felt pretty magical to me.

Just sayin’.
I began writing and photographing this post on a snowy Friday afternoon and finished on a sunny Sunday afternoon. What a difference 2 days make!

Our pet goose, creatively named Goose, stopped by to say “Hi” to y’all.

Click Here to view The Fujifilm GFX50S II Manual

By Murray Elliott
Thanks for the read! If you have any questions, or interest in Fujifilm, feel free to reach out.
Murray Elliott
631.935.3389 | murray@captureintegration.com

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