Finally, The Phase One XT 40HR Has Arrived!
The release of the 40HR XT is exciting news for me, given that this optic has been my favorite technical camera lens for at least the last 10 years as I’ve shot it in both Copal-0 and e-Shutter 250 versions. It’s a fantastic utility lens and if I were to have only one lens available to me, this would be the one, and often is the only lens I rely on for an entire shoot.
The Rodenstock 40mm equates to ~25mm in 35mm format, which might be the most perfect version of ‘wide’ that I know of. Wide enough to utilize for architectural interiors, but not wide enough to look wide, it just sorta looks the way you anticipate the room or street scene should look.

The new offering from Phase One makes use of the automated X-Shutter integration controlled by the IQ4 on the Phase One XT mount, and for the first time ever on the XT platform, this lens comes with the option of adding Tilt to any of your shots, the importance discussed by our fearless leader Dave here.
The 40HR has a large image circle so you will not run out of room for movements within the 24mm of total vertical or horizontal shift available to the XT. When the 40mm view isn’t enough, I can stitch multiple shots together. This works well for utility of not having to carry the larger, heavier 32HR, but also gives me opportunity to increase total resolution through the stitching of multiple images.

Running the XT out to -12, +12 both vertically and horizontally allows the 40HR to surpass the coverage of the 32HR shot as single frame:

I rarely run the 40HR as a 4-panel stitch and instead turn the sensor vertically and do a 2-panel stitch, which is quick and works exceedingly well to give me near 32HR coverage while conforming to nearly the same non-shifted crop ratio and still allowing me to tweak the fixed scene on the vertical axis because I still have +/-12mm available to me for composition:

If your project demands more resolution than 150 megapixels, these stitches provide the expanded real estate:

Looking forward to shooting this new lens in the XT lineup when it ships in September! – bk

Steve Hendrix – 404.543.8475 –
Chris Snipes – 813.335.2473 –
Dave Gallagher – 770.846.5223 –
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