Event Recap: Stand Out Miami
Capture Integration and Phase One sponsored another amazing Stand Out event at Art Basel in Miami, FL.
Many came to listen to the inspirational speakers and learn more about how to take their digital capture to the fine art level. The event had an outstanding arrangement of diverse photographers that shared their invaluable experience and passion for creating images with their own style.

We started off the day with our very own Brad Kaye from Capture Integration, showcasing the new features and power of Capture One 12 that was released right before the event. Following Brad’s presentation, Joseph Blazar, CEO of Blazing Editions, shared his thoughts on how one emerges to become a fine art photographer. Blazing Editions was the sponsor and creator of the Stand Out pop-up gallery display that showcased images from Phase One photographers around the world.

Bella Kotak and Pratik Naik, demonstrated how they work as a team to bringing fairytales to life. Bella showed us how she shoots with the Phase One IQ4 150 and her lighting techniques to produce stunning, fine art fashion images. Pratik used Capture 12 and his workflow techniques to discuss the various methods to achieve the control and styles Bella looks for in her final image.

Our CEO, Dave Gallagher, introduced Rodney Lough, Jr. with his “Stand Here” pose.

Rodney Lough, Jr. gave his Stand Here presentation, which featured the story behind his large collection of fine art images. I have been to Rodney’s gallery and remember standing in front of his massive prints for hours, looking at the details! It was a real treat to meet him and understand his message. His approach to each image and the way he sets out to create each image was very powerful.

R.J. Kern concluded our Stand Out event, showing his collection of fine art portraits and how he has created these, one of a kind, limited edition prints and books. R.J.’s attention to detail on his past projects created a lot of buzz among photographers who attended.

Throughout the day, attendees were also able to register for a one-on-one portfolio review sessions with Wonderful Machine, CEO Bill Cramer. Phase One provided complimentary service and cleaning of Phase One or Mamiya Leaf camera systems.

After the wealth of information each speaker shared with attendees, there was plenty of time to shoot with the Phase One IQ4 150 system and network with the crowd. I think we are very lucky to have been able to put together such a dynamic group of artist in one room the day before Art Basel. Many thanks to our sponsors Phase One, Blazing Editions, El Autobus, Wynwood Studios and Capture Integration.
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