Convert your Sinar p2 to p3

The legendary Sinar p2 is no longer manufactured but numerous of these technical cameras are in daily use. The huge advantage of Sinar’s modular system: a Sinar p2 can become a Sinar p3-df, or anything in between. Here are options to upgrade your 4×5 camera and gain access to the compact Sinar p3 system (100 x 100mm).

The Reduction Adapter 4×5 / 100

This format reduction for front and back allows you to instantly use mounted 100mm gear on your 4×5“ camera. A great accessory for flexible handling of lenses and digital backs if you own p2 & p3 configurations.
Invest in a p2/p3 Conversion Set

Format change kit for digital backs on large format cameras
This set converts Sinar 4×5” carrier frames to the smaller 100x100mm carrier frames of the Sinar p3. The rear and the front bearer stay the same.
Conversion Set p2/p3 for Sinarbacks, Set p2/p3 RV for third party backs
The df (digital focus) upgrade for more convenient work

This conversion improves the accuracy of the fine focus gears more than 30%.
Starting torque is reduced to allow precise adjustment. The focusing steps are adapted to the small pixel sizes of the latest digital back generation. In addition, a new depth-of-field scale will be added. Factory adjustment of the camera is included, this service is exclusively performed by Sinar in Zurich.
Secure your future with the view camera
We’ll support your update. Until the end of 2015 you’ll profit from:
10% price advantage for a p2/p3 Conversion Set OR a df (digital focus) upgrade
20% price advantage for a p2/p3 Conversion Set AND df (digital focus) upgrade
10% discount on follow-up investments until March 31, 2016
(Lenses, Lens Conversions, Interfaces)
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