Copal Shutter Care & Alternatives
Since the dawn of Photography, we have made use of some sort of shutter that was part of, or that complimented the optics in the cameras early photographers [...]
Lens Alternatives for Technical Camera Use
The great majority of my favorite landscape images have been taken at the wider end of the spectrum of focal lengths. Since moving to a technical camera a few years ago, my wide-angle lens [...]
Phase One 645XF – Auto ISO: Best Practices
While some prefer to shoot full manual all the time, the automated and automatic processes available on the XF provide safety nets that manual operation doesn’t provide. Auto ISO is the [...]
Phase One IQ3 100MP | Technical Camera Testing
Testing a camera system is not as simple as one might think. We literally have thousands of customers and each one has their own individual workflow, system components, and style. [...]
XF Feature Update #4 – ReCalibration NECESSARY
As covered previously in the post XF Focus Trim, the XF has long had the ability to calibrate to each lens attached to it and calibrating the system in this way should be viewed as an absolute [...]
Top 10: Feature Update #4 & HAP-2 Update
Today, Phase One has released Feature Update #4 for the XF camera system and IQ digital backs, yet again opening up new features and functionality to existing cameras. This is an especially [...]
A few hours with the Phase One Achromatic IQ3 100
We received our first Phase One IQ3 100 Achromatic back on Friday. There has been strong anticipation of this back since its release due to all the feature improvements over the previous [...]
XF Hyperfocal Calibration
The hyperfocal point of a lens is defined to be the distance between the lens and the closest object that is still sharp when the lens is focused at infinity. The envelope of sharp [...]