100MP In Your Pocket (Sort of) Any new camera release from Fujifilm should be cause for celebration, because they always advance the platform, and by doing so, photographers have continuing [...]
Broncolor Makes Awesome Lights Broncolor for generations has produced what many consider the finest quality strobe lighting components ever made. There is an unsurpassed history of performance in [...]
A Visit To See My Brother, Mike Hendrix A lot has happened in the Hendrix family in recent months, and one of these things has been a condition my daughter Catherine has developed that requires [...]
For this little article, we’re going to center our attention on the HNNR tool, since Hasselblad has seemed to make it a headliner feature, and even utilized the same dramatic naming convention as [...]
When Hasselblad announces new lenses these days, many second guess the focal length decisions. The newly announced 75mm f/3.4 P lens could be a candidate for this reaction. This is yet another P [...]
Hasselblad recently released their latest lens, the 20-35mm f/3.2-4.5 E Zoom Lens. This was great news. Remember at one point early on in the lifecycle of the X system (back in the X1D days), [...]
At one point, I grabbed one of our Hasselblad X2D demo cameras and was capturing some images and then noticed I was not seeing a review of my capture, either in the EVF or on the rear screen. I [...]
My daughter lives in Fernandina Beach, Florida, about 40 minutes north of Jacksonville and I took a trip to see her, but along the way had some opportunities to step out and take a few [...]
I know, the title. For some of you who may be old enough to remember, the title comes across like one of those old Johnny Carson skits with Carnac the Magnificent. Like, here’s the answer, but [...]
One of our clients who just received their Hasselblad 25mm V Lens from Capture Integration reached out to me and asked if the loud-ish shutter sound was normal. I grabbed one of our 25mm V demo [...]