How to be really, really …. still!?! Brad Kaye – our Ace Tech Services Manager – and I often collaborate on sticky technical situations that we encounter. It usually goes something [...]
Time Delay for shooting with Strobe Systems When shooting focus stacks with strobe lighting most likely you’ll need to build in a little extra time for the packs or monolights to [...]
No matter how clean your studio environment, no matter how diligent you are in your lens handling, at some point dust is going to make it to your sensor. If you keep your back mounted to your [...]
Firmware updating of IQ, Credo & P-Series Phase digital backs is necessary for feature updates, bug fixes and compatibility updates, but if you are without a computer built with native [...]
This accessory is a high quality cable release and multi connector break out box, that enables electronic cable triggering and power in to the XF camera at the same time. The cable release and 3 [...]
In addition to low vibration at the time of capture, the primary benefit of leaf shutter lenses are their ability to sync with the flash of a strobe system above the limits of the focal [...]
Phase One, creator of the world’s finest open-platform high-end camera systems and professional imaging software, today added two new Schneider Kreuznach lenses to its comprehensive family of [...]
3/8″ to 1/4″ Bushing Removal on Phase One 645 cameras. Phase One 645 bodies have a 3/8ths tripod mount at their base that is reduced to 1/4” with a bushing for mounting most smaller tripod heads. [...]
Zero latency can be your friend when using a tech camera. It avoids the necessity of using a wakeup cable, a two shot cable, or double firing your valuable Copal-0 shutter. In Normal [...]
New computers have undoubtably made the transition away from what was the previous standard for fast peripheral device communication, Firewire. IQ series digital backs can communicate using [...]