For a limited time only, with the purchase of an X1D II 50C, you receive all of the following three accessories free of charge: Release Cord X (worth a value of $80) Battery Charging Hub (worth a [...]
Something has been bugging me lately, and that is this seemingly prevailing assumption that newer generation lenses are the bomb, and the previous lenses just aren’t worth diddly. And why [...]
UNLOCK A WHOLE NEW SET OF LENSES The XH Converter 0.8 brings new opportunities to Hasselblad photographers with the ability to unlock a whole new set of H System lens capabilities. The [...]
HASSELBLAD FIRMWARE 1.4.0 BRINGS DISTANCE SCALE AND ENHANCED INTERVAL TIMER Hasselblad’s latest Firmware Update 1.4.0 adds new functionality for an enhanced shooting experience with the X1D II [...]
The 907X 50 CFV II Chrome Edition (try saying that 3 times quickly) was announced last week at $6,399. This is $1,100 less than the limited run Apollo Edition, which was announced in July 2019. [...]
Introduced as a concept in June 2019 and now available to purchase, the 907X 50C mirrorless medium format digital camera is comprised of the modernized CFV II 50C digital back and the brand new [...]
FIRMWARE 1.3.0 FOR HASSELBLAD X1D II 50C The 1.3.0 firmware is a feature and stability release for the X1D II 50C camera. We recommend all users to update. NEW FEATURES AND IMPROVEMENTS COMPARED [...]
Hasselblad Special Edition Control Grip Designed to beautifully complement the 907X Special Edition, the 907X Special Edition Control Grip brings the most crucial functions right to the [...]
A long journey that began in July 2019 has finally come to a fulfilling realization. It took nearly a year for this 907x to arrive at Capture Integration, and we were happy to see it. But nowhere [...]