When I decide on products to promote and sell through Capture Integration there are many factors that influence my decisions. Of course the quality of the product is the number one factor, [...]
Last week a very good client, Jeffrey Littell, came to Atlanta to get trained on his new Phase One IQ4 Achromatic digital back. This gave me a great excuse to take a day off and go shooting with [...]
Whenever a new product is released it is our job to test it, push it, to know where it succeeds, and know where it fails. How would it be possible to talk intelligently and honestly to our [...]
Life is short do what you love! Life is short and it is important to spend time doing what you love while building meaningful relationships that create lasting connections and memories. All of [...]
This morning Phase One DK announced their new IQ4 product line. While the new Sony Backside Illuminated 151 megapixel sensor has been one of the world’s worst kept secrets, It was [...]
We knew this day would come. While these camera systems have been solid workhorses in our studios and in many cases still are, we have come to the point where they will no longer be [...]
Engagement- To establish a meaningful contact or connection with someone Are you being engaged enough? Are you engaging your peers in the industry? Are you sharing yourself and your [...]
Testing a camera system is not as simple as one might think. We literally have thousands of customers and each one has their own individual workflow, system components, and style. [...]
We received our first Phase One IQ3 100 Achromatic back on Friday. There has been strong anticipation of this back since its release due to all the feature improvements over the previous [...]
Capture Integration, in partnership with Don Libby & Ken Doo hosted a one of a kind photography tour in Bluff, Utah. From the impressive landscapes that lead to astonishing images, to the [...]