Make sure to checkout the new ALPA PL mount available through Capture Integration. The PL mount is compatible with all professional movie/ciné lenses in PL mount. The adapter comes with shims so [...]
Check out the new ALPA Universal Rail Adapter available through Capture Integration. The adapter features the standard ALPA interface and comes with “captive“ 3/8“ screw and acts also as a [...]
Check out these new ALPA products available through Capture Integration. ALPA Triobal mini This integrated and very compact head comes with dove tail coupling device and “short legs“. It is [...]
LEE SW150 Filter System The LEE SW150 Filter System is the filter system we recommend for your medium format needs. This system fits every lens in the Schneider LS line [...]
ALPA’s additive manufactured lens shades are now available with all sixteen models. You will find per lens type two subtypes: 1. Subtype 0 (round) is optimized for the full image circle of the [...]
ALPA has introduced new accessories for their growing product line: The all new ALPA 12 FPS lens modules for Contax 645, Hasselblad H and Rollei 6000 enhance the FPS system to one (or the) [...]
The ALPA 12 STC is not only a compact camera, but at the same time also the most versatile. Both is located in its genes: When ALPA introduced the camera in 2010, customers placed the desire [...]
Registration What’s Included Who’s Coming Julian Calverley Itinerary Equipment Location DOWNLOAD WORKSHOP PDF INTRODUCTION Thank you for your interest in our 6th edition in the Master [...]
Ever misplace a lens cap for your tech cam while hiking? Perhaps you went up a mountain and came down a little bit lighter, or your cap just took a tumble out of your pocket when you were [...]
A must read if you use a Technical Camera or View Camera. This is a re-print/re-edit from an article we posted back in 2010 regarding Copal Shutter repairs, and the recent increase we had seen in [...]