BTS with Julian Calverley
We are gearing up for another ALPA Olympic National Park Workshop in September with our amazing client Julian Calverley! Julian is one of the UKs top advertising, landscape and location photographers with many years of experience and countless industry awards. Check out Julian’s article featuring some of his behind the scene images at our last Alpa Olympic National Park workshop….
On Location at Olympic National Park
By Julian Calverley

The Set Up At Maple Glade
A BTS image shot in Maple Glade, part of the beautiful Quinault Rain Forest. It shows my ALPA STC with 40mm Rodentock / Alpagon lens with 17mm tilt adapter. MFDB is an IQ180. The filter holder is the Lee 100 system with wide angled hood.

ALPA STC on Ruby Beach
A BTS image shot on Ruby Beach, just off Highway 101, part of the stunning Olympic Peninsula. It shows my ALPA STC with 40mm Rodentock / Alpagon lens with 17mm tilt adapter. MFDB is an IQ180. The filter holder is the Lee 100 system with wide angled hood.

Sunrise on Second Beach
A first light BTS image shot on Second Beach, just South of La Push, Clallam County, part of the Olympic Peninsula. It shows my ALPA STC with 40mm Rodentock / Alpagon lens with 17mm tilt adapter. MFDB is an IQ180. The filter holder is the Lee 100 system with wide angled hood.

Damp Conditions & Gorgeous Images
A BTS image shot on Second Beach, just South of La Push, Clallam County, part of the Olympic Peninsula. It shows part of the group setting up with a variety of ALPA equipment as we stand by to help and inspire. For many it was their first time shooting in such gorgeous and damp conditions.

Quinault Rain Forest
A BTS image shot in the Quinault Rain Forest. It shows one of the group (Jeffery Salter) getting to grips with and enjoying making work with the ALPA MAX.

What’s In Julian’s Bag
A BTS image shot on Ruby Beach, just off Highway 101, part of the stunning Olympic Peninsula. It shows my F-Stop Tilopa back pack with ALPA SWA and ALPA STC with 40mm Rodentock / Alpagon lens with 17mm tilt adapter. MFDB is an IQ180. Various other pieces of equipment on view are Lee ND grads in their pouch, CF cards in water proof card safes and spare cables, releases and connectors. Bottom right you can also see my favourite loupe, the Hoodman Compact HoodLoupe Optical Viewfinder for 3.2″ LCD Screens. The filter holder at the top is the Lee 100 system with wide angled hood. What you can’t see tucked away in the backpack top compartment are spare batteries, lens tissues and Gortex dry bags.

Spaces are limited for this workshop! Click Here to reserve your spot TODAY!
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