12.0.2 Bug Fixes Mac Fixed an issue where the ‘Open With’ menu did not populate correctly. Fixed an issue where EIP files would not synchronize correctly to Catalogs. Fixed an issue where long [...]
New interface Capture One 12 introduces a new and decluttered “super flat” UI, designed primarily to make Capture One easier to use over long editing sessions. Revised iconography helps to [...]
User experience will vary, but as of this moment, Capture One 11.3 is not officially compatible with Apple’s newest operating system, Mojave (10.14) We DO NOT recommend [...]
Capture One 11.3 debuts today and adds tethering and image processing support Fujifilm cameras as well as the new IQ4 series digital backs, and also includes new camera and lens support, as well [...]
Capture One 11.2.1 debuts today and provides support for the new IQ4 series digital backs, also includes new camera and lens support, as well as some bug fixes. 11.2.1 Camera Support Phase [...]
Capture One 11.2 debuts today and provides primarily new benefit to Cultural Heritage users, but also includes new camera and lens support, as well as some bug fixes. 11.2 Camera Support Canon [...]
11.0.1 Mac Bug Fixes Clicking on buy CO leads to broken link Apple Script Autocrop command not working Importer allows colon even if batch rename does not and it is an illegal [...]
New Feature Summary• Annotations• Export with Assets• Improved “Back-up And Restore” mechanism for Catalogs• Duplicate checker for the Importer• LAB Readouts for Pro edition• Levels as a Layer [...]
Do Not Install! Yesterday, Apple released a public beta of its next operating system, macOS Sierra. From our initial testing, we DO NOT recommend upgrading to macOS Sierra at this time, due to a [...]
El Capitan has been out for some time now, yet we have hesitated to recommend the OK. Some users (like myself) haven’t had any issues with (specifically) ElCap, while others claim to have [...]