ALPA Workshop with Julian Calverley

 In ALPA, Events, News



Thank you for your interest in our 6th edition in the Master Series Workshops here at Capture Integration. I can’t explain how much we look forward to these events each year. The Master Series Workshops are a combination of the finest photographic equipment in the world, in the most gorgeous locations, with the talent of our most exceptional clients as instructors. And this one is no exception. For years I have been drawn in by this instructors work. Very few artists reach the position in their career where their work can be labeled Iconic. And I don’t make this statement lightly. I can only count on one hand how many of my clients where I would use the word Iconic when describing their art. When you see it you immediately know it’s theirs. And what I appreciate even more here is that it is created without pride or arrogance. Even the most beautiful places on earth can be diminished by egotism… especially in our industry. So it is my honor to introduce to you one of the most sincere and genuine artists I know as the instructor of this year’s Master Series Workshop, Julian Calverley. I am positive that you will agree with me about his work and his authenticity. Furthermore, representatives from ALPA, Team Phase One, and Capture Integration (including myself) will be there for technical support and our award winning customer service. I strongly believe that there isn’t a workshop series put on anywhere in the world that has this combination of knowledge, support, and photographic gear. I hope that you chose to join us this September in Olympic National Park. This is one that should not be missed.

-Dave Gallagher



Single Occupancy: $2,990 Shared Queen Bedroom

Single Occupancy: $3,590 Private King Bedroom

Single Occupancy: $3,990 Private King Bedroom with guest

*50% deposit is required to reserve your space; full payment is due by July 15, 2015. Any cancelled reservations will receive full store credit with Capture Integration.

Register online at Capture Integration or call 877-217-9870 to reserve your space today.


  • 3 days of world class instruction
  • 5 sunrise/sunset location shoots
  • Meals and refreshments
  • 4 nights luxury lodging
  • Ground shuttle transportation to and from Seattle
  • Extensive equipment available for loan with on-site training
  • Extensive Capture One Pro training
  • Direct access to your favorite manufacturer reps



Julian Calverley is a British landscape and advertising photographer. Born in Hertfordshire in 1964, he very quickly demonstrated a love and natural talent for drawing and painting, in particular watercolor landscape work. After a brief and uninspiring spell at art college, Julian realized it was the mix of photography and traditional darkroom skills that would allow him to express himself most effectively.

The next few years saw experience gained with various studios and in 1988, at 24 years old, Julian set up his first studio and darkroom. At home both in the studio and on location, shooting people, landscape, lifestyle, automotive and underwater, his cinematic style, mixed with a resourceful and passionate nature, has gained him a solid and trusted reputation with clients worldwide.

Preferring the qualities of autumn and winter light, Julian often works before dawn and after dusk. In all weathers, he captures the atmosphere of the scenes before him, often returning to the same remote locations time and time again. Landscapes can look so different, almost unrecognizable, from one moment to the next that Julian considers it vital to experience them in their varying weather conditions and sea states. His tenacity in revisiting these locations enables the apparent orchestration of truly unique moments.

In those moments, when the grandeur of the landscape combines unpredictably with the elements, the stage is set and Julian feels huge excitement in connecting with his surroundings. The finished pieces command a theatrical air; so wonderfully crafted, as if each facet to the image has been summoned into place at the click of a finger. It is this feeling of being there, experiencing nature and the elements in all their breathtaking glory that Julian conveys so effectively in his work.

On a technical note, Julian works with the ALPA camera platform, and matched Alpagon HR lenses, enabling him to record exceptional depth and detail. His camera of choice is the ALPA 12 MAX and, for extended trips, he favors the ALPA 12 STC. These unique manual cameras are simple and precise in their operation and, when paired with the PhaseOne IQ180 digital back, provide the exceptional quality required for his large format work.

He now divides his time between personal and assigned work, and is represented in the UK by the Lisa Pritchard Agency, London, in the US by Greenhouse Reps, New York and in Asia by Alphaville, Hong Kong. His work has been featured in the Association of Photographers awards, and ‘Lürzer’s Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide’. He is the author of the book ‘#IPHONEONLY’ A book of landscape photographs made entirely on an iPhone.

Julian runs an excellent blog where he records his ALPA camera setup on-location in the wild. Check out more of these at All images @Julian Calverley.


Download Workshop PDF

Seattle, WA
2:00PM – Shuttle leaves Seattle Airport

Capture Integration will provide a complimentary shuttle to and from the Seattle airport. This shuttle will make a single pick-up trip on a 9/15 and a single drop-off trip on 9/19. Please contact CI if you’re interested in learning more about this service.

Quinault, WA
5:00PM – Arrive at Lake Quinault Lodge
7:30PM – Welcome Reception & Dinner (Roosevelt Dining Room)

8:00AM – Breakfast (Roosevelt Dining Room)
9:00-12:30PM – Equipment Bootcamp (Quileute Ballroom)

Intensive training session led by ALPA and Capture Integration. This training will focus on the fundamentals and advanced techniques using technical camera systems.

1:00PM – Lunch (Roosevelt Dining Room)
2:00-4:00PM – Julian Calverley Seminar (Quileute Ballroom)
5:30PM – Dinner (Roosevelt Dining Room)
6:15PM – Leave Lodge for Sunset Shoot
7:00PM – Arrive on location for Sunset (Location TBD)
7:28PM – Sunset
8:30PM – Leave location for Lodge

8:00AM – Breakfast (Roosevelt Dining Room)
9:00-10:30AM – Julian Calverley Seminar (Quileute Ballroom)
12:00PM – Lunch (Roosevelt Dining Room)
1:00PM – Leave Lodge for Forest Shoot
1:30PM – Arrive on location for Forest Shoot
1:30-5:30PM – Forest Shoot (Location TBD)
5:30PM – Leave location for Lodge
6:00-8:00PM – Capture One & Cocktails (Quileute Ballroom)
8:30PM – Dinner (Roosevelt Dining Room)

5:00AM – Leave Lodge for Sunrise Shoot
5:25AM – Arrive on location for Sunrise (Location TBD)
6:56AM – Sunrise
8:30AM – Leave location for Lodge
10:00-11:00AM – Phase One Presentation (Quileute Ballroom)
1:00PM – Lunch (Roosevelt Dining Room)
2:00-5:00PM – Capture One Pro for Landscape Seminar (Quileute Ballroom)
5:30PM – Dinner (Roosevelt Dining Room)
6:15PM – Leave Lodge for Sunset Shoot
7:00PM – Arrive on location for Sunset (Location TBD)
7:24PM – Sunset
8:00PM – Leave location for Lodge

5:00AM – Leave Lodge for Sunrise Shoot Optional
5:25AM – Arrive on location for Sunrise (Location TBD)
6:57AM – Sunrise Optional
8:00AM – Leave location for Lodge Optional
9:00-11:30AM – Workshop Wrap-up
12:00PM – Shuttle departs for Seattle Airport

*Itinerary subject to change


Get your hands on the best equipment.

Let us know if you’re interested in a specific digital back, lens or accessory – we are more than happy to accommodate your equipment requests. Contact Capture Integration to submit your equipment requests today.


Average High: 66º F
Average Low: 47º F

Remember, some of the best image are made in conditions when many photographers would head inside. Given this, and the brief nature of the workshop, we will not cancel shoots unless the weather is especially dire. Please remember to pack for cold morning sunrise shoots. As such, please plan your clothing for almost any conditions; we recommend layers.

With nearly one million acres, Olympic National Park encompasses several distinctly different ecosystems and protects a rich mosaic of natural and cultural history. Untamed rivers flow from glacier-capped peaks through valleys of old-growth forests, waves crash against a shoreline rich with life, and only trails traverse the vast interior of this internationally recognized wilderness. Come explore!

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