ALPA Lens Shades Extend To All Sixteen Models.

 In ALPA, News, Tech Camera

ALPA’s additive manufactured lens shades are now available with all sixteen models.

You will find per lens type two subtypes:

1. Subtype 0 (round) is optimized for the full image circle of the lens, and accommodates sensor shift within the entire image circle.
2. Subtype 1 (rectangular) is more restrictive and optimized for digital sensors up to 40X54 with little to no movement (especially also with sensors of smaller sizes than 40×54).


– Why two types? Obviously the rectangular subtype 1 blocks unwanted light beyond the 67-70 mm which can cause flare as the lens is always collecting the light of the full image circle/angle.

– Why adaptive/3D? The shades are laser sintered and dyed. This process is complex and sumptuous but durable and flexible.

– Pricing? This is not a cheap 3D maker-bot product. The production equipment of our manufacturers is beyond 250,000 Euro per machine.

– Why no cheap, conventional mold product? There must be a reason why the original lens manufacturers do not produce such lens shades at all.

Contact Capture Integration at 877.217.9870 for more information.

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