Alpa Develops In Direction of Moving Image

Zurich/Switzerland, 10 December 2017 – ALPA embraces the possibility of medium-format 4K video recording with the availability of the Hasselblad H6D-100c digital back and continues to expand its range towards moving images. In preparation for embedding into the video ecosystem, the Zurich-based camera manufacturer recently introduced connectivity elements such as “Arri-Rosette” and “Universal Rail” (NATO Rail) and is now also offering a first adaptation for standard 15mm rods.
ALPA will now offer the Hasselblad H6D-100c digital back in kit with different ALPA cameras. For owners of relevant digital backs, the kits will also be available without a digital back, but the H6D-100c back will only be available in a kit with an ALPA camera. As an accessory for the mobile use of an ALPA camera with the H6D-100c, a mobile external power supply will also be offered, so that the camera can be used outside the studio.
With the current kits, ALPA opens up the possibility of using the ALPA 12 cameras not only for still photography, but also in videography. With the H6D-100c, the Swedish manufacturer Hasselblad is the first to offer a digital back with a 100 megapixel CMOS sensor measuring 53.4 x 40.0 mm, which today already enables 4K videos over the entire sensor and could even offer 8K video in future sensor versions. This corresponds to around 53.4 x 30 mm and 61 mm image circle at 16:9. In addition to the Hasselblad proprietary RAW format, which can be converted to Cinema DNG using Phocus software, there is also the option of recording HD-quality videos in H. 264 format. The data can be stored on SD or CFast cards.

New ALPA cameras and accessories under development
With the availability of the Hasselblad H6D-100c digital backs and its video recording capability, ALPA will now expand its range to medium format, so that ALPA users can now medium and large medium format video as well. There will soon be several new modules that are specifically designed for use in the video sector. After ALPA has already developed and produced several products such as the lens hoods optimally designed for focal length and sensor format with the aid of additive manufacturing (AM), this expertise will be used for further products in the future. With AM, new products can be manufactured much faster and more customer-specific. ALPA will communicate products related to AM through an special logo.
Under the project name PLATON, ALPA is currently developing new camera models based on the ALPA 12 TC. In contrast to the TC with variable mountings, these are permanently equipped with specific lens mounts. The first models are designed for ARRI-PL mount and Canon EF mount for Canon EOS lenses. For the ALPA 12 TC, ALPA 12 FPS and the models of the PLATON project, a “Light Weight Support” was also developed with which standardized “15 mm rods” for Follow-Focus and other accessories can be attached.
In addition, ALPA will soon be offering a connector for Pentax 67 lenses, thus expanding its range of video-capable lenses. So far, this already includes the lenses of ALPA Rodenstock, Hasselblad H, Hasselblad V, Contax 645 and Mamiya manual.
ALPA 12 STC Kit 4070 + H6D-100c
Camera body, two lenses HR Alpagon 40 and 70 mm, accessories and digital back Hasselblad H6D-100c
ALPA 12 STC Kit 4070H
Camera body, two lenses HR Alpagon 40 and 70 mm, accessories for owners of a Hasselblad H digital back
ALPA 12 FPS Kit Contax 645 + H6D-100c
Camera body, ALPA Lens Modul Contax 645, accessories and digital back Hasselblad H6D-100c
ALPA 12 FPS Kit Hasselblad V + H6D-100c
Camera body, ALPA Lens Modul and tilt/swing adapters for Hasseslblad V, accessories and digital back Hasselblad H6D-100c
ALPA 12 FPS Kit Hasselblad H + H6D-100c
Camera body, ALPA Lens Module for Hasselblad H lenses, accessories and digital back Hasselblad H6D-100c
For more information regarding this press release please contact our sales team at 877.217.9870.
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