Cambo X Shutter Introduction Program Q&A
Phase One and Cambo are pleased to announce the availability of the X-Shutter for other platforms than the Phase One XT, such as technical and view cameras.

What is the X-Shutter?
- An Electronic leaf shutter that can replace the #0 Copal style shutters in many Rodenstock or Schneider lenses.
- A shutter which is ONLY controlled by Phase One’s IQ4 Infinity Platform.
- Shutter speed ranging from 1/1000 sec to 60 minutes
What is an X-Shutter Remount?
- The addition of, or replacement with, the X-Shutter to an existing lens.
- The shutter is connected to the IQ4 via one cable. Shutter controls are available at the IQ4’s display and/or Capture One (i.e. no internal contacts via the XT Camera).
Which lenses are supported?
- Only listed lenses that can be handled by Rodenstock and/or Schneider Service will be remounted into the X-Shutter.
- All of these lenses are supported from the IQ4’s firmware (to be updated)
- The exact list of lenses can be found on X-Shutter info
Will it be possible to rebuild Rodenstock lenses into Integrated XT Lens panels?
- Fully electronically integrated lenspanels are only available as Phase One product.
- However, these remounted lenses can be retrofitted into XT-compatible panels with external cable connection.
Will new Rodenstock lenses be available with X-shutter?
- New Rodenstock HR lenses 23, 32, 40, 50, 70, 90 and 180 HR can be ordered with X-Shutter through the Cambo sales channel.
Which situations are feasible applications for a X-Shutter Remount?
- Listed lenses in view camera use, on flat or recessed lensboards.
- Listed lenses mounted on Cambo WDS/WRS Lens panels.
- Listed lenses mounted on Cambo WRS T/S panels.
Will Remounted lenses be suitable for use on the Phase One XT ?
- Yes. Most Cambo WRS Lens panels are XT compatible.
- This brings the use of Tilt/Swing lens panels into the XT system.
- Additional cost for Retrofit into Cambo Lens panel will apply.
When will X-Shutters become available?
- Pre-orders can be entered now.
- Product will be available starting December 2020.
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